DocBook will allow you to specify different image files for each output format, but that presents its own set of problems. While disks pace is cheap, it is not free. There is also the real danger of the images getting out of sync.
One solution is scalable vector graphics. They are infinitely scalable and are tiny. The problem is getting them to render. Fortunately most modern browsers support SVGs. Unless you need to support users that are stuck on IE 6, HTML shouldn't be a problem. PDF requires a processor that supports SVG rendering. We use XEP by Render X and it does an excellent job supporting SVG.
I had always wanted to play with SVGs and see if our publication tools could handle it. Somehow, the pressures of getting content written and updating our templates trumped doing it. Thankfully, Fintan Bolton stepped up and tried it out for some complex graphics he wanted to use in documenting the advanced security features in CXF.
Our DocBook XSLT tool chain handled SVGs with only minor modifications and they look fabulous. Fintan did discover a few gotchas along the way though:
- XEP is extremely slow at processing SVG files, because it has to download the SVG DTD for every image it processes. The solution was to add the DTD to our local catalog. However, it turns out that configuring XEP to use the XML Catalog is tricky. Fintan found this post, which explains how to do it:
- When creating your image, be conservative in your choice of fonts. If the XEP processor needs to do font substitution, it can result in very badly spaced type. So far, I have had no problems using common fonts like Arial, Courier New, and Helvetica New (actually, XEP substitutes Helvetica New --> Helvetica, but that substitution works well).
- Do not set format="SVG" in the DocBook imagedata element. This results in HTML mapping to the HTML