Yesterday I had to do some reasonably simple edits to a document in Google Docs, but I was away from my computer. I didn't think much of it since I had my iPad and Google Docs supposedly has a mobile interface.
Let's just say that I have significantly less hair after the experience. The mobile version of Google Docs was better before they allowed "editing". Now all you can do is add text to a document that doesn't have tables. You cannot add formatting or do any sort of work with a table-even the rudimentary stuff you can do in the desktop version. The document management features are similarly hobbled. I don't see the point unless it is to encourage people to use Android powered gadgets.
In frustration, I decided to switch to the desktop version of Google Docs figuring the iPad's screen was big enough. Sadly I kept getting scripting warnings. Sometimes I would get a few minutes before things went pare shaped. Often, however, I could barely get the interface to load. It was crappy all around.
I don't see the point in offering a half assed experience like that. If you are going to play the consumer friendly, open company then build consumer friendly products that work well!
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